Ma'ayan Harod Internetional Dog Show Israel 19.10.02

Judge: Mr. Zvi Kupferbreg, Israel


Puppy class 6-9 months' males
Gur-Guy Arik Rich-Rach
V: Matis Camun Galil Tacheton
M: Kwetu's Nandi of Rich-Rach
Z: Orit Nevo
Nevo Israel & MarinaVery-Promising 1 class winner
Junior class males
Barbur Rich-Rach
V: Is. CH Vizara Fashama
M: Filiar Camun Galil Tacheton
Z: Orit Nevo
Liki TapuchEx. 1,
class winner
Best Junior
Intermediate class males
Durban by Eilack
V: UK CH Eilack
M: Eilack Jeni
Z: Jack Sekby
Gavish MenasheVery good
Champion class males
Is. Int. WW01 Ramses beni's ridges
V: Is. CH Mati Rado Baston
M: Multi CH Uganda Ela beni's ridges
Z: Kiesler Benjamin
Kiesler BenjaminEx. 1
Group winner
3rd BIS
Puppy class 6-9 months' females
Gwanda Arik Rich-Rach
V: Matis Camun Galil Tacheton Kwetu's M: Nandi of Rich-Rach
Z: Orit Nevo
Grindevski RimaVery-Promising 1 class winner
Best Puppy
Gaya Arik Rich-Rach
V: Matis Camun Galil Tacheton Kwetu's M: Nandi of Rich-Rach
Z: Orit Nevo
Kama RachelVery-Promising 2
Junior class females
Bahiza Rich-Rach
M: Is. CH Vizara Fashama
V: Filiar Camun Galil Tacheton
Z: Orit Nevo
Orit Nevo &
Aftovizer Ofer
Ex. 1
class winner
Best female (BOS)
Bulawayo Rich-Rach
V: Is. CH Vizara Fashama
M: Filiar Camun Galil Tacheton
Z: Orit Nevo
Barzin AmnonVery good
Open class females
Kwetu's Nandi of Rich-Rach
V: Multi CH Rareearth Quantum Leap
M: USA CH Kewtu's give peace a chance
Z: Barbara Sawyer Brown
Orit Nevo &
Arik Nadler
Ex. 1
Veteran class females
Is. Int. CH Leto Super Star Beni's ridges
V: Int. & Is. CH Johokawe Golo Zeus
M: Multi Ch Athena Beit Lucka
Z: Kiesler Benjamin
Kiesler BenjaminEx. 1
Class Winner
Best Veteran
3rd best veteran in show
Int., Il., Port., Dk. Ch. WW01 Ramses Beni’s Ridges

Il., Int. Ch., European Winner ’01 Leto Super-Star Beni’s Ridges
Z: Benjamin H. Kiesler
Kiesler Benjamin3rd best brace in show

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